Producing sustainable, eco-friendly & innovative products and,Decreasing the usage of petrochemical products and
replacing them with “Plastic-Free” products all over the World.
At Multipak, we aim to fulfill absolute customer satisfaction and inspire the world with innovative products and
designs we create by making production within the scope of international quality standards.
Our social compliance policy includes standards that are strongly based on the fundamental principles and values we have developed with all our business partners and by our team altogether. Our goal is to ensure that the Social Compliance Policy within Multipak becomes a corporate culture. For this reason, our social compliance standards have been established and implemented. In addition to creating appropriate products and services, these social compliance standards ensure that all employees exercise all their rights under the law, comply with occupational health and safety rules, be sensitive to the environment, and be in a place where they are respected and valued.
The social compliance policy is announced to all our employees through training or communication channels (board, etc.). In addition, our suppliers are informed and evaluated according to these criteria. Under this policy, no sanctions or penalties are applied to employees who raise their concerns and complaints. Request boxes are used to receive such thoughts. Employees can openly declare all kinds of opinions, requests, complaints, and suggestions through boxes. These are evaluated by the management and necessary actions are taken for areas that need improvement.
Social Compliance Policy covers the following;

• Forced Labor (Working Voluntarily)
• Child Labor (Underage Workers)
• Discrimination (Equality)
• Ethical Business Behaviour
• Working Hours & Wages
• Health & Safety
• Commitment to Community & Stakeholders
• Foreign Workers
• Off Days & Holidays
• Recruitment and Employment
• Contract of Employment (Employer Agreement)
• Freedom of Association
• Work & Labor Discipline
• Environmental Protection